Sunday, October 09, 2005

87 years ago today - October 9, 1918

1918 pandemic, war, and small town life, as reported by the local paper (beginning Oct 1). The virus is in San Francisco, and has reached Redding, but hasn't arrived in Nevada County yet.

Decrease of Influenza in Army Camps

(subhead: "Throughout country it is on increase and is spreading rapidly; California cases light")
Total # army camp influenza cases since it started last month: 182,000; pneumonia 19,283; deaths 5761

No Alarm in California

PHS said 71 cases in San Francisco; said to be not of the virulent type and strict isolation was proving effective.

Strange Child Malady Epidemic in Argentina

In Catamarca province (population 10,000), 100 children are dead in one month ... resembles dysentery ... highly contagious

Barracks Liked by Girl Workers

["like boarding school", we are told; this is a "glorious moment" in their lives]

25 Years Ago Today

A fine deposit of asbestos was discovered near Colfax

American Forces Going Overseas Rapidly

[Despite influenza in the camps] All these men sent abroad are in excellent health. They take care not to send anyone with influenza or who has been exposed.*


Mass for Clifford Murray, first Nevada City boy killed in action (in France) ... Mario Maresi's body is coming home ... M. McBride and family returned from brother's funeral in Oakland ... Clifford Williams slowly improving from a recent illness ... County Recorder SJ Clark has been sick at home with a bad head cold for the past few days.


October 9, 2005

Scientists: Pandemic flu unlikely this year
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said a bird flu pandemic was unlikely this year.
"How unlikely, I can't quantitate it," Fauci said. But, he added, "You must prepare for the worst-case scenario. To do anything less would be irresponsible."

"I would not say it's imminent or inevitable," said Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger, chief of the molecular pathology department at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
"I think in the future there will be a pandemic." But, he added, whether that pandemic will be bird flu or another type, no one can say.

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