Sunday, October 16, 2005

87 years ago today - October 16, 1918

1918 pandemic, war, and small town life, as reported by the local paper (beginning Oct 1). The virus is in San Francisco, and has hit Redding and other Northern California towns, but hasn't arrived in Nevada County yet.


Influenza Precautions
...when using a public telephone, put a cloth over the transmitter...

Influenza through whole U.S. subsiding in Army camps, but civilian population is sorely afflicted.

Cure for influenza is made public
The concoction is made by Homeopathic Hospital staff member George Baer...contains iodine, creosote and guaiacol ... prevented illness and made sick ones well within a few days...

Dr. Baxter made Health Officer of Grass Valley
meeting of the Board of Health...members being called by the Mayor to discuss matters concerning the public health ... methods of dealing with a possible invasion of influenza were discussed briefly.

Rapid spread of measles in the past week, and whooping cough

Red Cross to fight disease if need be

The Brand of Satan plays at the Nevada Theater tonight

Pape's Cold Compound Relieves All Grippe Misery

Germ of Influenza Too Small for Sight, according to Nicolle and Lebailly at the Pasteur Institute of Tunis

JB Stroud, 47, dies in Alaska

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