Monday, October 17, 2005

87 years ago today - October 17, 1918

1918 pandemic, war, and small town life, as reported by the local paper (beginning Oct 1). The virus is in San Francisco, and has hit Redding and other Northern California towns, but hasn't arrived in Nevada County yet.

Influenza has passed high point in all army camps
New cases 5668 today; was 6488 yesterday
New pneumonia cases 1895 today, vs. 1916 yesterday
710 deaths today, a decrease of 159 from yesterday
(presumably these #s are all from the army camps?)

p.3, the name "kindergarten" should be changed; it's German.

p.5, Caroline J. Dow, 57, stricken suddenly; she died at her Broad St. home.

More measles cases among children and older people

Ray Davis was ill at Camp Fremont

p. 8, Personal friend accompanies body of dead soldier Frandy, returning to Nevada County. (Bauer says influenza at Camp Humphrey is abating.)

Contemporaneous news from Palo Alto, Iowa and Snohomish, Washington. Complete text of stories rather than just notes.

And according to this timeline, actress Rita Hayworth was born today.

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