Sunday, January 23, 2005

Some fine posts on planning - and a puzzle

Davids Sucher and Wharton have put their respective noses to the grindstone, cranking out some lucid and thought-provoking posts that are required reading.

David Sucher (scheduled for an interview on Booktown Feb. 7) has outdone himself this month; be sure to read these:
From David Wharton ( a Republican ), a series of posts from "Smart Growth Will Be Driven by Greed and Envy" through Is "Smart Growth" Just for Liberals?

From his post on historic preservation and real estate values:
[Donovan Rypkema:]"In most cases properties in local historic districts appreciate at rates greater than: a) the local market as a whole, and b) similar neighborhoods that are not designated"
[Wharton: (emphases added)]
Lots of free-marketers -- and I'm one -- are regulation-phobic, and plenty of people in Greensboro have complained about historic district designation trampling their property rights. But there's another way of thinking about it.

The local historic district program offers me an economic choice that I wouldn't have if the program didn't exist: namely, the ability to trade some of my property rights for increased capital appreciation. If I don't like it, I can move.
Jan. 25: From here:
How much time a person spent driving had a greater impact on whether a person was obese than other factors such as income, education, gender or ethnicity.


The puzzle:
Earlier today we introduced one of Booktown's hosts to Petals Around the Rose (*).
(hint for those playing it on the website: color doesn't matter.)
When introducing it to a group, expect great - and independent - variation in interest and aptitude.

We wish to thank Mr. Wharton (Ph.D.) for our new motto:
Custodientes custodes

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