Sunday, May 11, 2003

thinking (or at least linking) globally

I don't have anything useful to say about the big stuff - like
  • the media's curious near-silence on Katrina Leung (the longtime spy for China/paramour of investigator of Clinton Asian campaign finance scandal) also being a Republican fundraiser for (primarily) Calif. state candidates
  • the looting of the Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center in Iraq ("By the time U.S. troops arrived in early April, armed guards were holding off looters - but the Americans only disarmed the guards...'I saw empty uranium-oxide barrels lying around, and children playing with them,' says Fadil Mohsen Abed, head of the medical-isotopes department...")
  • Bill Bennett's gambling and media coverage thereof
- for these sorts of stories you should be reading Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall is way sharp.

In brief though - re top story in SF Chronicle today on Bush's plans to revitalize our nuclear weapons industry - this is unfortunately consistent with the analysis of his thought patterns as being characteristic of a former alcoholic, now "dry drunk" - who's now addicted to power and conquest, and the prediction (seen recently, forget where) that, for this reason, Iraq may be just the beginning.

(and see Dan Gillmor on media lack-of-coverage of Bush's AWOL military past here).

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