Tuesday, May 06, 2003

a man, a plan...

Inspiring column today by Union publisher Jeff Ackerman on Nevada City's Steve Cottrell, who is always a city councilman, never a mayor:
the mayor of Nevada City is kind of a token position. ...The mayor gets to gavel the meetings, kiss babies, lead parades, sign proclamations and pretty much be the person everyone points to when an unhappy citizen storms into City Hall demanding to "see the mayor."
Cottrell has certainly done lots and lots for Nevada City and Nevada County. Certainly enough to merit a year as token mayor of a city legendary for its "unusual" characters.
Mr. Ackerman isn't the only one to see the position of mayor as more honor than duty; I've heard the "Steve's been a councilman for so many years that it's only fair to let him be mayor" sentiment from other quarters as well.

But duty matters too, and the mayor's position is not a token one: aiming for consensus rather than divisiveness (the former of which is part of "being a team player") is an important aspect of the job, and as we've seen in other quarters lately, it is not always found in our local public-servant leadership. And I'd hate to see that quality, where we do have it, potentially sacrificed in order to honor any citizen, even one as deserving as Mr. Cottrell.

Hence the inspiration: let us do as the English do, and separate the crass business of government from regal ceremony. I wholeheartedly support honoring Steve Cottrell, but we can do better than make him mayor: let us anoint him King of Nevada City.

There is precedent for this action: Ukiah has a King, albeit self-appointed and low profile, and Nevada County has an Empress (also self-appointed, somewhat higher profile). But to have an official King to lead parades and sign proclamations, instead of just a mayor or a self-proclaimed one, would set Nevada City far above any other tourist town in California.

He'll need a conveyance, and appropriate garb: crown, robes, sceptre, throne. For the conveyance, perhaps the carriage horses outside the National Hotel, or, depending on the desired tone to be struck, a truck like Mike's. As for crown and sceptre - this is an artistic community, and I (no artist) am sure others would have creative yet fitting ideas. Throne: wrought of local manzanita, it has been sighted at Nevada City Picture Framing. Robes: ermine is in short supply locally, so we could take the "Republican(correction) cloth coat" approach and just do velvet or satin, or (my humble preference) we could utilize the local ermine-equivalent, and make a far finer garment from the road-killed skunk which Nevada County traffic generates in abundance.

Deodorized first of course, we want the impact to be visual.

I expect to be overruled on the robes suggestion (he is a King, after all, that means he gets to overrule) - but i humbly submit that the general idea is utterly perfect and should be implemented forthwith. We could do with some royalty around here, and Mr. Cottrell would be a fine man for the job.

Long may he reign. (It looks better on a resume too.)

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