Monday, November 08, 2004

Rocky mountain high

Nov 11: toned down the prose.

He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below
He saw everything as far as you can see

The web and Google will do that...

Kudos to Chris Cobler and friends at the Greeley Tribune:
Burlington, North Carolina's Times-News and Colorado's Greeley Tribune have similar circulations and hometown demographics. Yet while the staff in Burlington's newsroom is practically all white, Greeley’s is diverse. What does Greeley do that Burlington doesn't?
The persistent reader may be surprised.

A leader in the press community:
See Chris Cobler's post today, A Q&A on the Trib's teacher editorial, in which he responds to a reader, point by point, disagreeing, but with respect for the reader and with respect for the facts, thus engaging in a constructive public dialog with all his readers, and showing by example how it's done. And, as is his wont (and our want) he links to the pages being referenced, and to others on the same topic.

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