Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Read these guys instead

Forgot where I found Peter Levine, but he's good:

What does it mean to be civic?
Do we [as a community] seriously consider a broad range of positions? Do good arguments and reasons count, or has politics become just a clash of money and power? Can we achieve progress on the goals that we happen to share, or have our disagreements become so sharp and personal that we cannot ever cooperate?

Being civic means asking these questions. It is compatible with fighting hard for a position-even a radical one-but it requires avoiding collateral damage to the civic infrastructure. It asks us to worry about long-term civic health, not just immediate tactical victory. And it obliges us to care about our public institutions, not just particular policies.

Also his post on how conservative and progressive are misnomers

Along the same vein (as "what does it mean to be civic), Tamim Ansary on What Does It Mean to Be Patriotic?

Philosoraptor on collateral damage:
when you feel like ranting or flaming, at least you should force yourself to answer this question: will whatever good this rant/flame/etc. will accomplish outweight whatever harm it will do to the overall level of civility and reasonableness (in this discussion in particular and on the web in general (and in society in general))?

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