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Monday, January 26, 2004
The meat marketThe Meatrix and Michael Pollan's An Animal's Place show the pork/beef/poultry industries as they are today. If you eat it, you have a responsibility to see where it comes from.The way it should be -
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Thinking of moving to the country? The hidden underbellyThe post was written with this area in mind, but much of it is more widely applicable._____________ Yes in many ways Nevada County is a fine place to live. Small town life, pine trees, river, close to skiing, within [painful] commute distance to Sacramento, historic walkable towns, arts, music, above-the-fog-below-the-snow, community, golf, golf, more golf - as any of the real estate websites will tell you. For balance, here's the flip side. (And this may not be wholly accurate, it's my perception only, I'm probably oversimplifying, dramatizing etc. Not making any of it up though.) Bring your own money. For the most part the high tech companies up here aren't hiring, so most of the employment opportunities involve - in one way or another - providing services to the retirees who move here from L.A., Sacto, and the Bay Area. And relative to service industry wages, housing here is expensive. Culture clashes. You have a modest little home in town, then find that your new next door neighbor - who moved here for the historic charm, all those cute little houses you know - wants to erect a McMansion. You buy the peaceful home in the country, then find that your neighbor likes to use his acreage for a shooting range. Or he and his children like to race their ATVs at top speed and volume up and down the shared road on your property for recreation. A shared private road means that everyone has to cooperate (and pony up) to maintain it. Not everyone will. Not all the gunfolk are aware that a speeding bullet does not respect property lines. Parts of the county have a real problem on weekends with off-road vehicles and their occasionally well-soused and well-armed drivers - apparently it's a popular destination for the wildlife of Sacramento. Meth labs. Meth addicts who don't just destroy their own lives. Garbage dumpers. Out-of-control teenage vandals on dirtbikes. Crowding. You have a great well that yields 40+ gallons a minute; then someone moves in downslope from you and starts irrigating their extensive new landscaping with water from their great well, causing yours to go dry. Perhaps confusing the area with East Palo Alto, they install floodlights and leave them on all night. Health and safety hazards. The San Diego fires of last fall could just as easily have happened up here - we have the classic urban-wildland interface. The history of mining means that our rivers have enough mercury in them that you shouldn't eat the trout often. Mining tunnels honeycomb the area, and sometimes they cave in, causing the ground above to subside; this is most unfortunate when part of your house lies above. Some Lyme disease. High ozone levels. Think carefully before buying that house in a low spot, since in winter everyone's woodsmoke will accumulate there. Also if you live in town and the people around you use wood heat, you'll be breathing a lot of second-hand smoke. And (in the baseless scaremongering dept.) something I wonder about- the gravel road rock may contain serpentine which has asbestos-like fibers, which could mean that there are health consequences of inhaling road dust (of which there can be plenty, if your house is near a well-traveled gravel road). The state has set limits on the asbestos-like-fiber-content of road gravel, not sure how that translates into practice. It's probably fine... Reminders that your pets are made out of meat. Bears, coyotes, foxes and bobcats will appreciate your supplying them with poultry. Mountain lions eat livestock and occasionally also dogs (although none of ours have developed a taste for human flesh yet); coyotes cause "lost cat" fliers to appear in town. I tell you this in the belief that it's best to know what you might be getting into, before you make the leap. However one pattern we've noticed is that the people who leave the area do tend to move back. Wednesday, January 21, 2004
USA Today, following in the footsteps of Melanie HoA welcome change: CJR Campaign Desk and Brad DeLong point out substantive reporting (no blue suits! no argyle sweaters!) by USA Today (if link rots, try BDL's post) reporting not only the content but also the context of Bush's State of the Union address.It brings to mind this post from the Daily Howler last spring, Part 4 of A Culture Of Lying: [On coverage of the first Bush-Gore debate - ] "One scribe noted what Bush had done. You could call it a senior moment...": [DH:] At the crucial first debate with Gore, Bush lied about his budget plan, then accused Gore of using "phony numbers" and "fuzzy math" when he described the budget plan accurately. The next day, the fun really started, as Bush and aides toured the country, tossing off palpably bogus facts - and saying that they showed Gore was lying. It truly takes a low, slimy man to call the other guy a liar on the basis of "facts" which he’s simply made up. Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Journalism dim sum IIIn Eliminating the Bimbo Factor, Tim Porter quotes Tom Rosenstiel:This tendency to define journalism as a series of techniques rather than responsibilities and principles has added to many of journalism's contemporary problems." He adds:Jay Rosen paraphrasing Lee Bolinger - "Journalists also need to grasp how the press does-or does not-foster the kind of quality debate required if people are to make democracy work." In LA Times roundtable - "You're not publishing a newspaper to be liked," Rodriguez shot back. "You're publishing a newspaper to inform the public and to promote democracy."Herbert Gans interviewed by Jay Rosen (read the whole thing) - objectivity is the conscious effort to be detached, to keep one's own personal values out of, not necessarily the topic chosen, but the method with which facts are gathered and the writing so that the final story (or research project findings) has neither an investment in the answer nor is a statement supporting the reporter's or researcher's values.Finally, from The Onion (circa Nov 20), Media Criticized For Biased Hometown Sports Reporting: "In our extensive study of the nation's sports sections and broadcasts, we documented countless examples of shamelessly one-sided reporting, obvious speculation, and bald editorializing masquerading as journalism," FAIR spokesman Scott Wilborough said. "Coverage was heavily, sometimes brazenly, weighted toward the teams from a media source's own area." Monday, January 19, 2004
Journalism dim sumRecycling accumulated newspaper and blog quotes.Always read PressThink. Also, for the next 11 months, the Columbia Journalism Review's Campaign Desk, which is covering the coverage of the presidential campaign - as in "Campaign Desk is glad the AP finally got the facts correct -- but a little irked that some newspapers, such as the San Francisco Chronicle, fixed the error without acknowledging they had made the mistake in the first place." (sorry, not the greatest of sound bites, but, as the others would have required the Heimlich maneuver...) via Butterflies and Wheels, Jonathan Chait on why U.S. political journalism fails: For all the talk about the importance of objectivity, reporters are surprisingly willing to express their opinions openly when it comes to matters of pure politics.In comments here, "It's an ongoing trend that's becoming more and more apparent: Commentators confuse 'editorial opinion' with 'freedom to cite unsubstantiated evidence as truth.' Hey, it's my opinion, so I can quote whatever sources I want, right?" A tip o' the hat to Rhetorica, recently, calling a couple of political writers on sleazy tactics - "the ellipsis indicates ... the omission of words that were used in the original source. The point of this punctuation is to help shorten the amount of original material used without changing the meaning as intended by the original communication. ...While they didn't change the words, they changed the signs in order to divert your journey toward the truth. They did this on purpose. And that makes them liars." Thought Signals: The real problem with the Times' policy on stringers is that it's counter to what a newspaper is supposed to be all about: the truth. When the Times puts a national correspondent's byline on a story that includes string from others - whether staffers or freelancers - it's telling its readers that that story was reported only by that reporter. It's telling its readers a lie. Paul Krugman via Disinfotainment: Don't talk about clothes. Al Gore's endorsement of Howard Dean was a momentous event: the man who won the popular vote in 2000 threw his support to a candidate who accuses the president of wrongfully taking the nation to war. So what did some prominent commentators write about? Why, the fact that both men wore blue suits. From Crooked Timber - "it almost doesn't matter what that candidate actually says. What really matters is framing." In the press van down by the Warwick, a report on the reporters - What was most interesting was hearing them interact with each other. I always had this silly stereotype of journalists trying to scoop each other and keeping their information to themselves, but these guys were the definition of pack journalism. What was scary was that a lot of them didn't really seem to know what they were talking about regarding some of Dean's policy stances, things he said at the speech, etc. I got the distinct impression that they were interviewing each other for information (instead of, say, the official campaign spokesman that was in the front seat). Honest to Pete, I heard one reporter ask another "How do you think Dean is doing," and the other went on to answer how he felt Dean probably wrapped up the nomination when he decided against campaign financing, but the test will be if his appeal extends beyond the base of radical liberal supporters..." The exchange was followed by the sound of fingers typing on keyboard... God but American journalism sucks when it's ordinary: ...there's a whiff of cynicism: [Candidate] is honing a message, not speaking from his heart. The media is fully complicit in the transformation of politics into marketing; that's the filter the media themselves use. In Altercation - "...the old journalistic cliché that the only people who object to a genuinely objectionable action are people with a vested interest..." more tomorrow. Thursday, January 15, 2004
sound bytesDocBug - "The Net is a great well of knowledge. Unfortunately, like all wells, it also makes a great echo chamber."Jakob Nielsen (via): "human time is our most precious resource. Stop strip-mining it." Definition of epistemologically challenged - a constitutional inability to adopt a reasonable way to tell the good stuff from the bad stuff. Paul Graham, not entirely sure that it fits but...: As far as I can tell, the concept of the hormone-crazed teenager is coeval with suburbia. I don't think this is a coincidence. I think teenagers are driven crazy by the life they're made to lead. Teenage apprentices in the Renaissance were working dogs. Teenagers now are neurotic lapdogs. Their craziness is the craziness of the idle everywhere. Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Worth consideringDavid Neiwert (in comments) -Fascism is a form of totalitarian government whose hallmarks are a leadership that cannot be questioned, aggressive nationalism, racism, close ties to capitalist elites and the absence of legal due process. And, in the local news, property rights advocate William Weismann sentenced to five years in prison for trying to hire hit man to kill his neighbor. "...Scared, confused and pushed to the point of no return, lost in a nightmare...he is not a nasty or violent man." Sunday, January 11, 2004
nothing to say. go elsewhere.From comments at Matthew Yglesias's site: "It's perhaps worth noting that, as a rule, the Amish do not blog."From the Global Ideas Bank, the last Sunday in January has been designated International Internet-free Day ("The Internet did not start off as a vehicle for social isolation and damaged eyesight...") Friday, January 09, 2004
HeresiesIn tune with Kevin Kelly's question "what is your heresy?" ("...a strongly held belief that goes against the grain of their peers, something not in the accepted canon of their friends and colleagues...")...via mefi, a great article by Paul Graham on how to better identify current heresies and moral fashions: It seems to be a constant throughout history: In every period, people believed things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you would have gotten in terrible trouble for saying excellent advice on how to go about looking into this and vivid insights, e.g. [re Santa etc.] It is probably inevitable that parents should want to dress up their kids' minds in cute little baby outfits...a well brought-up teenage kid's brain is a more or less complete collection of all our taboos-- and in mint condition, because they're untainted by experience... (and, the bone thrown your correspondent's way: "Nerds are always getting in trouble. They say improper things for the same reason they dress unfashionably and have good ideas: convention has less hold over them.") Wishful thinking dept: have Edge do an anonymous survey of its usual cast of "leading thinker" characters, asking about their heresies. It would make for fascinating (and perhaps appalling) reading. and- addendum(?) to the "natural laws from" post below - Geoffrey Miller's Law of Strange Behavior: To understand any apparently baffling behavior by another human, ask: what status game is this individual playing, to show off which heritable traits, in which mating market? Thursday, January 08, 2004
More mindless cribbing from those with quality contentmost likely via metafilter...Idea incubators, at
Having the Visiting Nurses come out to give flu shots at the drugstores and workplaces is a wonderfully time- and cost- effective way to prevent illness in a large number of people. Likewise for bone density screenings, likewise for the freely available blood pressure monitor in the drugstore. But given that diabetes incidence is rising, that it tends to develop gradually, that it costs a lot to treat once it develops, that people often don't know they're at risk - why not also have the nurses come out to do fasting blood glucose screenings? Wednesday, January 07, 2004
A libertarian perspectiveIn Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged*, the rugged individualist hero and heroine opine upon the landscape:The earth went flowing under the hood of the car. Uncoiling from among the curves of Wisconsin's hills, the highway was the only evidence of human labor, a precarious bridge stretched across a sea of brush, weeds and trees. The sea rolled softly, in sprays of yellow and orange, with a few red jets shooting up on the hillsides, with pools of remnant green in the hollows, under a pure blue sky...And no, she's not kidding - from skimming the book it would appear that neither Ms. Rand nor her characters have a sense of humor. Also this is rather quaint: ...the diamond band on the wrist of her naked arm gave her the most feminine of aspects; the look of being chained.pp 279-80 and 136 respectively Monday, January 05, 2004
SnipOn perspective, from here:"All of this rhetorical overkill reminds me of a line about the late rants of F.R. Leavis: 'In his later books he libelled his literary opponents so scandalously that when he tried to condemn Stalin he had no harsh words left over.'"From comments here:"Just saw a bit of the Paris Hilton and Nicole show. It is, easily, the most eloquent argument for an estate tax that has ever been created." From everywhere: Britney Spears as argument against allowing heterosexual marriage Love is a many-legged thing From here: Utilitarian: One who believes that the morally right action is the one with the best consequences, so far as the distribution of happiness is concerned; a creature generally believed to be endowed with the propensity to ignore their own drowning children in order to push buttons which will cause mild sexual gratification in a warehouse full of rabbits. Sunday, January 04, 2004
my Nevada City wishlistFYI for nonlocals - "Nevada City" is a misnomer now; once this was the 4th largest city in California, but that was back in Gold Rush days. Now we fall into the "quaint hamlet" category.Here's what I'd like to see, in no particular order:
Saturday, January 03, 2004
It goes up to elevenEdge's World Question Center series. It doesn't get any better than this.(for each of these pages, you may need to scroll down a few screenfuls to get to the content.) In 2002 they asked "What is your question? Why?". Among the responses:
and "Democracies don't prepare well for things that have never happened before." (Richard A. Clarke) 2003 was responses to a hypothetical request for advice by George Bush ("What are the pressing scientific issues for the nation and the world, and what is your advice on how I can begin to deal with them?") 2004 asks for observed natural laws. Here's a taste -
Thursday, January 01, 2004
January 1, 2004In lieu of resolutions, a performance review.I was wrong about:
I learned:
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