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Thursday, November 27, 2003
warfare and politicsPrometheus quotes David Broder :Today, only 121 veterans of the armed services are in the House -- barely more than one-quarter of the membership. A generation ago, in 1975, 318 of the 435 representatives had worn their country's uniform, and a good many of them had seen combat in World War II or Korea. Comradeship came more easily to them, and so did the kind of mutual respect that makes possible compromise and, ultimately, agreement. Sokrates (channeled by BDL): As long as you divide the world into clan members to be helped, clan enemies to be killed, strangers to be robbed, or heretics to be burned, the chances for world peace are low.For variety (and equal validity) you can substitute "country" or "county" for "world". miscFound via The Right Christians, a Calpundit-hosted thread on libertarianism - the beginning of which has some very good stuff, sparking off of this comment -Libertarianism has two virtues for its adherents, folks who tend to have a high degree of spacial, analytical intelligence and an extremely low degree of empathetic, emotional intelligence:.. BDL (quoted out of context from here): ...illiberal and destructive patterns of thought: a belief that quantitative measurements are not the base on which one's interpretation should be built but rhetorical weapons to be used for advantage, a belief that anecdotes are persuasive without inquiring into whether they are representative, an assumption that all elements of the current situation one likes are part of the natural order of things, and a belief that anyone else's use of economic or social power is profoundly illegitimate... From metafilter, what it's like to live with prosopagnosia ("face blindness", aka poor to no facial recognition ability). Take it from me, this is not a good disorder to have - even just a mild case - when you live in a small town. Tuesday, November 25, 2003
fluff, no meat - go read something useful.alas no time - such are the perils of employment - also no desire to see weblog lapse into another coma, so i'll just throw stuff into its maw for now. And hope that blogger doesn't just swallow it and refuse to regurgitate upon command like it did with my last post.via TNH, confirmation that we are living in the future via - There are 2 types of people in this world, those that finish what they start via bdl discussion here: Collectivists are the nutcases who believe nothing should be private property, libertarians the nutcases who believe everything should be. (If it isn't obvious why this leaves a vast expanse of options in between, my apologies for calling you a nutcase)photo of Salam Pax Thursday, November 20, 2003
some spy linksspy shortage:...That lack of informants is a major handicap for U.S. intelligence, something unlikely to be helped by a range of new technology being sent to Iraq to help track anti-coalition groups.bush, cia, and credibility: "The intelligence process is a bit like virginity," says Ray McGovern, who worked as a CIA analyst for 27 years. "Once you prostitute it, it's never the same..." Krugman on Plame, the Plame chronology Wednesday, November 19, 2003
a view of the future"A luxury once sampled becomes a necessity." - we need news to be reported like this. Paul Andrews ("I've noted in recent blogs how print media could better serve their readerships by annotating online stories with hyperlinks...") provides a good contrast between the old way and the new.Monday, November 17, 2003
Philosophical investigation leads to hot Nevada County Schwarzenegger-Ackerman expose'!be patient, the truth will be revealed...for fellow philosphical illiterates, i discovered why Crooked Timber is so named - (in A&L daily) Darwinian Politics in its way exemplifies Kant's famous remark that "from the crooked timber of humanity no truly straight thing can be made." It is not, to play on Kant's metaphor, that no beautiful carving or piece of furniture can be produced from twisted wood; it is rather that whatever is finally created will only endure if it takes into account the grain, texture, natural joints, knotholes, strengths and weaknesses of the original material. Social constructionism in politics treats human nature as indefinitely plastic, a kind of fiberboard building material for utopian political theorists. Evolutionary psychology advises that political architects consider the intrinsic qualities of the wood before they build. and, speaking of philosophy (and via a Crooked Timber discussion -thanks kes), Mark Lawson (presenter, 'Front Row', BBC Radio 4) recounts his Greatest Mistake. you didn't hear it from me. and, in a not unrelated vein, via Neil Gaiman, Playboy centerfold science - "the result of mean averaging every Playboy centerfold foldout for the four decades beginning Jan. 1960 through Dec. 1999. This tracks, en masse, the evolution of this form of portraiture." (Warning: safe for work.) to go further yet (but is it "too far"?), Dan Weintraub on the recent Schwarzenegger-Lockyer dustup - "Unbelievable," said Democratic campaign consultant Richie Ross. "How ironic that California's strangest political bedfellows would find themselves in an argument about groping." too far: via the memory hole, the infamous oui interview why the allegations didn't hit a lot sooner - they usually sprout from the tabloids, which (due to business connections) were starry-eyed for Schwarzenegger re Schwarzenegger-Republican culture shock- ...Or Schwarzenegger could take a pass, and the Republican Party could stay its current course, alternating between Old Testament morality and new age [???! - ed.] sexuality in accord with the demographics of the district. Call it a big-tent party, or a boundless well of cynicism. on the other hand, last week's AP news article suggesting that he may try to terminate Stupid Growth in CA was encouraging- [he seems to have] a bent toward "smart growth" which favors transit, rebuilding existing cities and slowing development on vacant farmland. His Web site has pledged wholesale restoration of declining urban environments, criticized "fiscally unsustainable sprawl" and promised new incentives to build homes on blighted, bypassed land in older cities. - so here's hoping he surprises us. (but then that's what i was hoping bush would do - and in terms of magnitude he did indeed, just got the sign wrong) OK, at last, we reach the shocking news - yes, there is indeed a Schwarzenegger - Ackerman connection, and it goes way back! (for you out-of-towners, Jeff Ackerman is the publisher of The Union, Nevada County's one and only newspaper.) not only that, but we come full circle...: SCHWARZENEGGER - What does it mean?: Schwarzenegger seems like a pretty typical type of name, describing a person by colour (his coloration, hair colour) and job. The name "Egger" would be pretty close to the English name "Tiller." "Egge" is a big metal square with "teeth" drawn by horses or a tractor. It rakes the field, breaking up the big lumps after the field has been plowed (by the tillerman= Ackermann). Another name of this type is Heidegger (the philospher Martin Heidegger), tiller of the heath. yes I know, words are failing you too. (btw, more on the Union when I have more time - time that is not being wasted on trivia - you guys have been doing an excellent job lately.) p.s. and not just the editorials. Friday, November 14, 2003
shortsJohn Maynard Keynes was famously quoted as saying: 'When the facts change, sir, I change my mind. What do you do?'From Healing Iraq: "It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of what he was never reasoned into." - Jonathan Swift seen somewhere in blogland, attributed to Sinclair Lewis: "It is difficult to convince a man of something if his paycheck depends on his not understanding it." seen on Metafilter: There's something to be said for finding a group of people who share your basic principles: it lets you get past arguing about the basic principles. Friendship is almost always a union of a part of one mind with a part of another; people are friends in spots." -- George Santayana via Andrew Tobias: Spending tens of thousands of dollars on a person's last few months of life is compassionate -- but spending tens of thousands of dollars to improve a person's first few years of life is investment.Also this one: "The American ideal is not that we will all agree with each other, or even like each other, every minute of the day. It is rather that we will respect each other's rights, especially the right to be different, and that, at the end of the day, we will understand that we are one people, one country, and one community, and that our well-being is inextricably bound up with the well-being of each and every one of our fellow citizens." Teresa Nielsen Hayden's archive of web classics, including the "tugboat meets bridge" series speaking of tugboats, on Crooked Timber the Tugboat Potemkin asks "Never mind the evolutionary explanations for why 'frequent masturbation may protect men against prostate cancer', what's the creation scientist's explanation?" At Poynter Online, Newspaper Nicknames: The Good, the Bad and the Scatological is kinda cute, but the real gems are in the reader responses. D-Squared Digest with this: and these: (That's the Blairite Third Way, btw, not the fascist movement of the same name, and astute readers will perceive here a man battling for his life against the forces of digression)(but do not visit mr. digest's dastardly doggerel on the deceased. at least not while drinking milk.) Thursday, November 13, 2003
yet another complaint about the mediaSadly, The Onion just doesn't get it - some things hit too close to home to be funny.Wednesday, November 12, 2003
compare and contrastThe truth about Jessica Lynch:In the end, only one hero remains. She's the one we started with, Jessica Lynch. But she's a different kind of hero than we were led to expect. A bigger, braver hero, actually. Former POW from Kansas recounts capture in Iraq: After he and his fellow soldiers were set free, there were stories of [Pfc. Patrick] Miller pestering the Iraqi guards by constantly singing a pro-American song, and by giving them chewing tobacco that he said was candy in hopes of making them sick. making the rounds, and deservedly so: via TPM, Slate articles by Jacob Weisberg, examining the evidence on Do Dim Bulbs Make Better Presidents? and on Occupational Hazards - How the Pentagon forgot about running Iraq - The difficulties we have faced...were largely to be expected from a devastated post-totalitarian society in a part of the world overwhelmingly hostile to the United States and its interests. What is surprising-amazing, in fact-is how unprepared we were for these problems...How did the world's greatest military power plan the invasion of a country without also planning its occupation? Also Seymour Hersh on Niger: When the official asked about the analysis, he was told by a colleague that the new Pentagon leadership wanted to focus not on what could go wrong but on what would go right. He was told that the study's exploration of options amounted to planning for failure. "Their methodology was analogous to tossing a coin five times and assuming that it would always come up heads," the official told me. "You need to think about what would happen if it comes up tails." TPM - "Hope is not a plan" Some really good writingStunning (in both senses of the word, respectively) pair of essays, first Kim du Toit on The, uh, feminization, Of The Western Male (which I could swear I saw reported approvingly by right-wing blogging superstar Glenn Reynolds a day or so ago although now it doesn't look that way...could be my memory though), with rejoinder (via crooked timber) by Winston Smith, the Philosoraptor (all-time best blogname). Great writing - true, WS engages in a little more of the (more-typically-rightwing-blogger) shrillness than I'd like but hey i'm a wimp. And the substance is GREAT.and via PressThink, an also stunning article in Columbia Journalism Review by Matthew Miller, on faults and potential of the press to play an active and constructive role in a democracy. Go read the whole thing, it is a treasure. i know i shouldn't quote this much, but it is sooo good! besides for all i know the CJR sticks stuff behind a firewall after a while, or moves everything to make linkrot, or otherwise allows me to rationalize this misbehavior....sorry. (Tell you what, go buy the book) The media end up in cahoots with politicians in creating this illusion of meaningful action, both because 1) media norms don't allow reporters to say "this is a charade" even when they know it is (reporters are supposed to be "objective"), or 2) because it cuts too close to the bone for reporters to admit they are often tacit conspirators in such hoaxes. Last but not least, Theresa Nielsen Hayden on today's NRA Woman..."If I were the editor responsible, I’d want to avoid walking along backlit ridgelines for a while...." Tuesday, November 11, 2003
warmed-over haggis, or burning issues, or burned haggis, or somethingit's late.wapo via msnbc on sprawl vs nature, and fire: "The weapons of mass destruction have been found," a San Diego resident wrote in the letters page of Thursday's Los Angeles Times. "They are poor land-use planning, budget cuts, arsonists and one foolish hunter." via DeLong, Matthew Yglesias Can't See The Forest For The Timber Company Profits: I should state at the outset of my discussion that I do not give a damn about America's national forests and that if George W. Bush wants to let the timber companies cut them all down, I wouldn't be particularly upset... LA Times, Little of Tax Hike Goes to Fight Fires: Ten years ago, voters statewide passed a half-cent sales tax increase to provide money for county and city public safety programs. Proponents credited the measure's success, in part, to wildfires that burned hundreds of homes in Southern California the week before election day. New York Times, In California's Inferno, an Oasis of Planning Stands Out: "With more people being born than dying, we add 400,000 to 700,000 people a year, even if no one ever moves again into California," said Timothy P. Duane, an associate professor of environmental planning and policy at the University of California, Berkeley, who has written about wildfires. "That is a Fresno to a San Francisco every year. That is a lot of people that need to go somewhere." Sunday, November 09, 2003
fyi, not that you are likely to care but i added some more links to religion, the economy, and the press below. on blogging and the webweb helps californians during wildfires:It gave the village a set of drums to get the message out," said Gary Stebbings, a construction manager who monitored the Web site regularly after evacuating his home in the alpine town of Lake Arrowhead. from Christopher Lydon, Stirling Newberry ( - "St. Augustine described the nature of God as a circle whose centre was everywhere and its circumference nowhere... " In his own voice he continued: "That's the image you should have of what's happening on the Internet. Anyone on any given day can be the center if he has the best observation that resonates. There is no boundary of the circle... You get to sing a song and listen to the echo. You get to hear... how other people have taken what you've done and turned it into their center." Doc Searls on The Media: Yes, there's lots of stuff in all those media you'll like or use....But you have to wait for it if it's on a broadcast outlet or root for it in a publication. More importantly, you're not in charge. They are. And to Them, you're still just a consumer. A gullet for gobbling "content" and crapping cash. (Thank you for that perfect metaphor, Jerry Michalski.) Yes, Even if They are NPR and the New York Times. They are The Media. Information is a form of "content" that moves from Them to you, on an almost entirely one-way basis. Doc again - "blogging is one more way that the demand side is supplying itself" Nate, from discussion on dan gillmor's site on govt attempts to erase history: The key difference between "1984" and any attempts to emulate the rewriting of history today is the Web. Time after time politicians are caught by their saved words. The mainstream media may let them get away with pretending they "never said that," but the Web remembers... More electronic skew-the-voting machine piecesBTW, is your one-stop shop for news and other info.From Nov. 3 Newsweek, Black Box Voting Blues: Electronic ballot technology makes things easy. But some computer-security experts warn of the possibility of stolen elections From Wired Nov. 6, Suspect Code Used in State Votes: An investigation by California's secretary of state has revealed that Diebold Election Systems placed uncertified software on electronic voting machines in a California county. Nov 3 Christian Science Monitor: Electronic ballots, hailed as the antidote to hanging chads, will make a mark on Election Day. But critics warn of risks to democracy. visit Tomorrowland - cast your vote at the Fraud-o-matic today... from, EFF Case Vs Diebold Stalls, re Diebold's attempt to use copyright law to block the publication of information about flaws in their software: The political element surrounding the case might have ramifications that will be felt in elections for years to come. If the San Francisco judge ruling on the restraining order today finds against the ISP Online Policy Group, the ISP and many others will be forced to stifle any mention of the machine's flaws. and, most powerfully, Britt Blaser with Secreted Ballots and a War Story - "Far more than you want to read about e-voting and maybe not quite enough about burning airplanes..." - On 25 June 1968, about 3 miles from Cambodia, our C-130 was struck by .50 cal. machine gun fire that blossomed into a real headache...Read it. "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." -attributed to Josef Stalin Saturday, November 08, 2003
The will of GodAnne Lamott - "You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do."from yet another damn blog: A couple of years ago, my parents decided it was time for them to leave their church. In the middle of it all, my dad said something that really struck me, "Last week, at Calvary, the minister was talking about morality, and doing the right thing, and everything he was saying was about what 'they' should do. It was all about other people. This week, at First Lutheran, it was the same topic, but it was all about what 'we' should do. I like that a lot better." How do you make God laugh? Tell him your plans He doesn't seem to appreciate blasphemy. Scott Rosenberg on Bush and God, church and state ...We worry when national leaders assume a mantle of divine destiny. The worry is based on history, not faith. Regarding our divinely appointed leader, Robert Brady weighs in: It occurs to me that God must have a pretty damned high IQ, and a pretty broad spectrum of people to choose from, were she to have a hand in selecting the leader of America. The thought that she might select George read it. Apropos, via a BDL discussion, a Bush admn. official said after the failed coup against Chavez in Venezuela, "Legitimacy is something that is conferred not just by a majority of the voters".(ref. here?) Friday, November 07, 2003
Where's the original content?elsewhere, obviously. This is for your own good. There are some whose expository prose flows like a river, or swoops and soars like the swallows above. The prose of others can more accurately be likened to the fish out of water, flopping at irregular intervals on the sandbank. If it is an altruistic fish, it doesn't pollute the web (talk about mixed metaphors...) with redundant, "I can say it too only more awkwardly" verbiage.Wednesday, November 05, 2003
economy, and lack thereofBDL:Red tape grows like kudzu, and needs to be aggressively pruned back every year. Deesha: Individually people all over the world have approximately the same natural endowments. What makes a difference is the nurture provided by the environment. And that environment is exogenous to an individual but endogenous to the entire collection of individuals which is called the society or the economy. via bonobo land, India economy watch: The Chinese leadership seems to have its act together. The Chinese lucked out. It is India's karma that it got saddled with a bunch of self-serving narrow-minded weak-kneed myopic corrupt criminals as its leaders... NY Times on call centers in India: ...coveted here. While the salaries are hardly lucrative by technology industry standards - anywhere from $1,600 to $2,100 a year - they beat those for most clerical positions. government and sausages: It is an iron law of international economics that the Exploitation Police will swoop down and denounce anyone who creates new jobs, particularly in relatively poor areas. The common complaint is that call-centre companies set up shop in places (New Brunswick is a good example) where they can find well-educated workers at relatively low wages. The Exploitation Police make this sound almost criminal. In fact, it's the way capitalism has always expanded and the way that poor regions have traditionally turned themselves into less poor regions. On the growing U.S. trade deficit, The Mercantilist's Tale by Warren Buffett: ....take a wildly fanciful trip with me to two isolated, side-by-side islands of equal size, Squanderville and Thriftville... The Debt Tax, published in Boston Globe (if not there, try here (scroll down)): In recent years, much has been made over the repeal of the estate tax -- or "death tax." Much less attention has been paid to a far more pernicious tax -- the "debt tax" -- which is bigger than the estate tax, capital gains tax, and so-called "marriage tax" combined. words of wisdom from Bonobo Land, here - if the dollar falls substantially, and the internal US labour market practices the structural reforms it advises for the rest of the world, I don't doubt jobs can be produced in large quantities. The question is: where on the value chain will these jobs be situated? And he links to this great British article on the karmic aspect of the jobs flight to India ("The jobs Britain stole from the Asian subcontinent 200 years ago are now being returned..."): If you live in a rich nation in the English-speaking world, and most of your work involves a computer or a telephone, don't expect to have a job in five years' time. Almost every large company which relies upon remote transactions is starting to dump its workers and hire a cheaper labour force overseas. All those concerned about economic justice and the distribution of wealth at home should despair. All those concerned about global justice and the distribution of wealth around the world should rejoice. As we are, by and large, the same people, we have a problem. Julian Sanchez: At a time when nationalist "us versus them" thinking is back in vogue, the temptation is strong to find someone - ideally brown people with funny accents - to carry the blame for our economic woes. Paul Krugman, Waiting For Our Wile E. Coyote Moment - ...The timing of such crises [currency crises like those that struck Southeast Asia in 1997 and Argentina in 2001] is hard to predict. But there are warning signs, like big trade and budget deficits and rising debt burdens. Tuesday, November 04, 2003
and more Diebold potential electronic vote rigging newsNov. 3, Calif. Halts E-Vote Certification:The reason, Carrel said, was that his office had recently received "disconcerting information" that Diebold may have installed uncertified software on its touch-screen machines used in one county... good article on the Diebold threat, from last month, giving examples - All the President's Votes? - With academic studies showing the ... touchscreens to be poorly programmed, full of security holes and prone to tampering, and with thousands of similar machines from different companies being introduced at high speed across the country, computer voting may, in fact, be US democracy's own 21st-century nightmare... more press linksvia pressthink, Blogging at the Spokesman-Review - a different way to put out the news Atrios on blogging and journalism: Journalists have a bias against "old news" - that is, if it was ever published somewhere, anywhere, it isn't "news." This makes the only "new" news either breaking news events, press releases, or new quotes from important people. That's a rather limited view of what journalism is. Greg Palast: In America, a 'conspiracy nut' is defined as a journalist who reports the news two years before the New York Times. Julia, in Brad DeLong comments: I heard Johnathon Alter [sp?] on WNYC the other night telling tales out of school about all the things the administration has done wrong since the war, and the inside battles that they're having - none of which was material I've seen in Newsweek. On the fawning Hitler Homes and Gardens article: ...any attempt by a magazine to "use copyright law to suppress embarrassing information is appalling." Leff said she is using the Homes & Gardens article to teach students that sometimes journalists can gather information that is "completely accurate, but because of the subject material -- in this case, portraying Hitler as a gardener and a gourmet in 1938 -- it's not really the appropriate tone to take." Sunday, November 02, 2003
press quotesLinks I've been collecting for some time - i.e. a few of them might be stale already in which case I apologize.OLD. found at Poynter a couple years back, no permalink - ... no matter how many "neighbors" sections big city papers fill with feel-good news and school lunch menus, it is the enterprising little weeklies -- the ones that care enough about their small communities to get their hands dirty and report the hell out of stories -- that often make the difference. From Doc Searls, touring the offices of his local newspaper, the Santa Barbara News-Press: Our tour guide, the photo editor of the paper, talked about how hard it is to get new subscribers when so many readers were getting their news elsewhere, or just seemed to give too small a shit. Yet he remained no less motivated, for the simple reason that daily papers remain highly civilizing forces for the regions they serve, and he felt privileged to be part of one. from metafilter, the difference a small paper can make: It was a huge scoop. Yet the newspaper that uncovered the atrocity was not the venerable New York Times or the Washington Post, still resting on its Watergate laurels. Nor was it the New Yorker, famed for its in-depth journalism. It was The Blade, a daily newspaper with a circulation of just 150,000 that serves the Ohio city of Toledo, by Lake Erie. Excellent article by David Greenberg on Calling a Lie a Lie - The dicey dynamics of exposing untruths:'s worth asking why the press sometimes seizes on a lie while at other times passes it by... Eric Umansky article: As legendary WP editor Ben Bradlee once noted, "Even the very best newspapers have never learned how to handle public figures who lie with a straight face." One sentence he says you'll never see on Page One, "'That is a lie.'" Chris Mooney on "Mission Accomplished" and the media: This apparent falsehood about the "Mission Accomplished" sign strikes me as being precisely the kind of thing that the major media will probably pick up on. That's because Bush's statement is a) obviously wrong and b) doesn't matter very much. But when it comes to debunking serious, consequential lies and deceptions -- about stem cell research or the link between Iraq and al-Qaeda, for example -- our leading journalists tend to get cold feet. via isthatlegal, Ed Cone asking Is objective news coverage a worthwhile objective? a while back: There are greater threats to the quality of news than a rogue reporter or an out-of-touch editor at the New York Times. The increasing concentration of media power in corporate a big one. The assault on the ideal of objective journalism is another. Jay Rosen on Fox News: The Fox News slogan, Fair and Balanced, has always been ironic because it is meant to say: "Ha! We're the conservative alternative and yet more fair, more balanced than ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBNC, Newsweek, the Washington Post and the holy New York Times, where-in a delusion that's had its day-they claim to have no ideology at all! So we'll claim to have no ideology at all, too. That will drive them nuts."from followup discussion: When I first started in Journalism, as a copy kid, I met the old hack who covered my high school football team. I told him, "you know, we always thought you were biased against us." And he said, "you know what, everybody from every other team tells me the same thing, which tells me that I'm doing my job right."The [newly] famous "neither fair nor balanced" Fox memo, which is all over the net. via pressthink, words from Roger Ailes: I've had a broad life experience that doesn't translate into going to the Columbia journalism school. That makes me a lot better journalist than some guys who had to listen to some pathetic professor who has been on the public dole all his life and really doesn't like this country much and hates the government and hates everybody and is angry because he's not making enough money.interesting, the anger/hatred thing. Could there be some projection going on here... Electrolite: Just before the Iraq war, [well-known British TV news anchor and interviewer] David Dimbleby came to Washington to interview Donald Rumsfeld. They talked for half an hour. As you would expect, the questioning was persistent, forensic. Americans who heard the interview were shocked. The world's most powerful nation does not have the world's most powerful press. Specifically, it has no daily forum for the close questioning of politicians... american media vs bbc: Watch BBC World for a couple of hours, then switch on MSNBC. The sensory experience is not dissimilar to leaving a university lecture and then jumping on a roller coaster. Readers: Why We Don't Alert Media To Mistakes, Reflections on credibility: The Pew Research Center for The People and the Press reported last year that two-thirds of Americans believe news organizations are unwilling to acknowledge their errors, while just 23 percent say the organizations admit their mistakes. The research center also reported that the number of people who believe news organizations are politically biased stood at 59 percent. Bill Moyers: Journalists feel squeezed -- those who simply believe we are here to practice our craft as if society needs what we do and expects us to do it as honorably as possible. There's another study around here somewhere done by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press and The Columbia Journalism Review. More than a quarter of journalists polled said they had avoided pursuing some important stories that might conflict with the financial interests of their news organizations or advertisers. from Talking Points Memo: ...In fact, they have the ironic and in many ways dubious distinction of having seen the story advanced far more on their OpEd page than in their news pages... more from same Eric Umansky article on responsibilities of the press: Headline writers-typically copy editors-have an obligation to give readers the most accurate sense possible of an article's conclusions, regardless of how poorly those conclusions reflect on our nation's leaders. They're frequently failing. Suggestion that journalists take advantage of teachable moments and put the hay out: When a racial comment becomes news - say, Rush Limbaugh suggesting that the media gave favorable coverage to a black quarterback because of journalism's "social agenda" - the cows are hungry. Poynter online It’s not an editor’s job to trust a reporter. It’s an editor’s job to challenge, to probe, to prosecute a story, to be the ally not of his or her colleague but of the reader who deserves a factual account. |