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Monday, June 30, 2003
oh. it's still here. Imiting the inimitable style of Robot Wisdom, stuff: bush's interesting day and memory hole video thereof how not to make a living, via A&L daily (ie don't write) i am john's brain (and haven't a clue what i'm doing) interview with john maynard smith (via wired). one of those rare people who always makes enormous sense. a clarifier. evolutionary biologist. Margaret Atwood on dystopias: Democracies have traditionally defined themselves by, among other things - openness and the rule of law. But now it seems that we in the west are tacitly legitimising the methods of the darker human past, upgraded technologically and sanctified to our own uses, of course. For the sake of freedom, freedom must be renounced. To move us towards the improved world - the utopia we're promised - dystopia must first hold sway... Sunday, June 08, 2003
miscmy mind such as it is has not been into blogging of late. so if you expect incisive commentary and breaking news, expect them elsewhere.Article on how newspapers steal from each other: If the Tacoma dust-up is any guide, smaller papers will push the majors to admit when they simply rewrite stories already in circulation. Also, outlets like the Post and the Times will have to be more careful with attributions... Instapundit via Boston Phoenix Media Log pointing to email re stringers doing virtually all the writing of Latin America stories - "the New York Times and other large media institutions simulate their "news" coverage from the region with "parachutists" - the "official" correspondents (desk reporters) who drop into Latin America's cities and towns briefly to be able to claim they "reported" the story from there..." Advances in lie detectors. What will this do to politics? Oldish but interesting - build your own [relative] skyscraper without a permit:'s the biggest, most impressive-looking structure an individual can construct without breaking the law. also not fresh: Buddhists have the best pattern of prefrontal cortex activity. I wonder (if both are stalled) if it's possible to jump-start the left one without first waking up the right one, which does not feel so good... Friday, June 06, 2003
T?G?IFeither it's me or the world has been quiet of late - aside from the BugBear worm, media ownership deregulation dooming democracy, upcoming U.S. fiscal trainwreck, cutting families of poor kids from the $400 tax credit, and saber rattling re nuclear capabilities of Iran, there doesn't seem to be much going on.From the BBC, CIA spies shun computers: In the movies, spies and intelligence agents are the ones with the cool gadgets and state-of-the-art equipment, but their real life counterparts are far behind Dan Kennedy of Boston Phoenix on The elusive truth about those missing Iraqi antiquities ("So what happened, exactly? It’s hard to say...") - does a good job of pulling the pieces together and putting them in context. Rep. Dennis Kucinich's open letter to Rumsfield, Does the Pentagon Have Amnesia on Lynch? on the discrepancies in the accounts of her rescue: there is a wide gap between the facts as reported initially and the manner in which they are being reported now. As I understand the Defense Department's position, these recent accounts are "outrageous, patently false and unsupported by the facts."(3) At the same time, Defense Department officials now seem to be qualifying their earlier statements... No word on any response. Thursday, June 05, 2003
local stuffSac News & Review article on presidential candidate Kucinich, for those who missed his recent appearance up here.SF Chronicle today on plans to reopen the Idaho-Maryland mine haven't yet pointed to Tuesday's Mattson progress report of city response to proposed Grass Valley developments, pointing out that it's five times the amount of growth specified in the city's General Plan. where will all the traffic go? recent sign of "progress" - sighted a pigeon - common, not band-tailed - at my offramp. There goes the neighborhood. Wednesday, June 04, 2003
compare and contrastChris Mooney reporting on the cultural/political differences between the U.S. and Switzerland:In the end, I think the Swiss managed to teach me at least as much about our own country as they did about Switzerland... via Atrios, Denver post article on changing the tone in Washington: When President Bush gave his first formal campaign speech as a candidate for re-election last week, he cited his efforts to curtail partisan rancor and "change the tone in Washington." ... Tuesday, June 03, 2003
miscellanySalam Pax's boss finds out. It would be a surprise...via Dan Gillmor, tooth-gnashing article on the credit reporting agencies and how it is in their interest to include items in your credit report that may not belong to you. Social security number doesn't match? name doesn't match? no problem... What surprises me is that nobody sues the pants off them. Conversational Terrorism: First, we have the Ad Hominem Variants where you attack the person as a way to avoid truth, science or logic which might otherwise prove you wrong. Monday, June 02, 2003
projectionApparently Josh Marshall is being labeled a conspiracy theorist - bad move, to try that on a perceptive guy:To say that people have been dishonest isn't the same as saying they've engaged in a 'conspiracy'. It just means they haven't told the truth... But, of course, a charge of dishonesty has to be refuted on the merits while labeling an argument a 'conspiracy theory' allows you to dismiss it out of hand. Shades of Mr. Weismann... Word for today - Screed. 1 a : a lengthy discourse b : an informal piece of writing ... Interesting that Webster's has not yet caught up with common usage, which (at least locally) has invariably been pejorative. Update: dead tree Webster's is more perceptive (and verbose) than online Websters, and _does_ note "esp. a diatribe". Sunday, June 01, 2003
Scare, sell, blogNY Times SARS quarantinee account:As the mayor of Taipei was ordering everyone to wear [masks] on the subway, the SARS czar, a very respected doctor, was politely saying that masks were medically pointless because the only people who need them are those with SARS and those treating or living with them. A mask does far more good on a sick person, keeping the germs in, than on a healthy one. via Michael Taht, Economist articles on the current real estate bubble ...overvalued house prices cannot regain their long-term equilibrium mainly through inflation, as they have done in the past. Instead, house prices will have to fall by at least 20% in money terms in most of the countries with bubbles. Keep in mind that they correctly predicted the double-dip recession. via Tom Nadeau, Guardian's If you really want to know, ask a blogger, which handily covers (and deflates) the "weblogs aren't journalism" and "their Google page ranks are too high" claims: Assiduous students of the print media will have noticed its practitioners becoming increasingly exercised about 'blogging' - the practice of publishing web-logs or online journals... embarrassmentsfrom today's editorial, Anti-war activists' day in court a sorry affair, re trial of antiwar protestors for blocking sidewalk -...Please. This is embarrassing to watch... The most embarrassing thing - to a U.S. citizen - is what was said outside the courtroom. From a friend: when i left the courtroom for a moment...the [court official] came out too and exclaimed to the cops sitting on a bench outside the courtroom waiting [to] testify: they should have shot those fuckers. |