Friday, March 30, 2007

New Nevada County blog - Natural Perspectives

edited 4/1 for clarity.
We've got a new weblog in Nevada County, Virginia Moran's Natural Perspectives. First post is a column questioning the motives and science behind the county's 'fire safety' push; its thrust is diametrically opposed to that of a column appearing in The Union today.
I submitted a Comment on that column, to alert readers to Virginia's post;
In case they never do publish it (4th try succeeded)
here's my comment:
For a different view, see Virginia Moran's Deprogramming the Religion of Thinning or Follow the Money, on her weblog Natural Perspectives.

Amusing update:
I'd gone to the aforementioned Other Voices column on The Union's website, to put up my comment giving a link to Virginia's post so readers could get a different perspective on the issue. Over at The Union they've changed their site - you have to go through the whole registration rigmarole now in order to comment, including providing your birth year (aside to The Union mgmt: NOYB, which is why I'm turning 107 this summer) -
but to get to the point, the new format is very community-focused and has weblogs for all, and lo, even Jeff Pelline the editor has a weblog - only, not surprisingly, these are weblogs in name only, The Union blogs don't need (nor allow) no stinkin' comments.
1pm update to the above: comments *are* now enabled over on their weblogs. Were the comment fields present all along, and merely missed by your myopic commentator? Only The Union knows for sure...
1:35 update to the above: true, the form is present, but perhaps not the function. A few minutes ago I posted a comment on this [single-post] page but it has still not appeared on the site.
2:40 update to the above: As of this writing, comments - and permalinks to posts - no longer appear on The Union's weblogs. (and the single-post-page URL redirects to the 'weblog home' page.)
Here's what I had submitted as a comment:
Still curious about funding of SESF activities and scholarships

George, could you tell us who's putting up the funding for SESF, including the $5000 in scholarship money?

Apr 1 update: the Comment form had returned for a while, but now they're back to "no comments form, main blogpage only". something tells me i'm not going to get my comment published there...


Anonymous said...

What is SESF? Did he ever answer you?

Anna Haynes said...

Anonymous, please use your own name or a pseudonym.
(if you click the "other" button on the Comment form, you can provide a name.)

I covered SESF (Sierra Environmental Studies Foundation, tied to CABPRO property rights group) in June 27 and 29 (2006) posts here.

Anna Haynes said...

(and no, I didn't get an answer, but my submitted comment never got published either.)

Anna Haynes said...

...but i've asked anew, in a (successfully published) Comment to this news article about SESF's 'scholarship test'; will report the response, if i get one.