See Michael Hiltzik's LA Times blog post on The Electronic Threat to Democracy:
...The question is whether a determined hacker can get into the system, compromise the results, and get out without detection, and it has been shown again and again that the answer is yes....
And here's a helpful tip from Kevin Drum:Are you dying to know how to hack into a Diebold machine? Unless your local registrar has bothered to change it, here's the key: F2654hD4. And the 8-byte password used for Diebold’s voter, administrator, and ender cards is ED 0A ED 0A ED 0A ED 0A.
So, where's the rest of the press on this issue? Or are car crashes more important.
Something for you to do now, that might keep you from having to give your children and grandchildren some uncomfortable answers later:
Read this call to action on hackable voting software certification, and act.
Call [or email] 5 senators on CA Senate Rules Committee...requesting subpoenas on ... election industry and certification insiders who did not come testify under oath.
The Goal: Subpoena-induced sworn testimony from voting machine vendors and errant testing labs, voting machine examiners.
No, it won't take a lot of your time. Yes the call to action comes from Daily Kos, which is leftist. But if you have half a brain in your head, regardless of which half, you know that sometimes one eye perceives a danger that the other doesn't. This is a danger.The Goal: Subpoena-induced sworn testimony from voting machine vendors and errant testing labs, voting machine examiners.
"Just because you're on their side, doesn't mean they're on your side."*
and in future, when there's no need for them to even seem to be on your side...?