Banished weblog posts

This page will be the repository of weblog posts that we really wish we hadn't published.

They're not being deleted because that would go against the NCFocus weblog policy, which is to refrain from quietly whitewashing our output after the fact.

much as we'd sometimes like to.

posted by Anna on 4/1/2005 08:03:00 PM

Save the Pope!

Update: upon reflection, we are not proud of this post and would like to delete it (to quote the Sage of Nevada City, "the Pope is a whole different kettle of fish" from Terri Schiavo) - but since that is against our blog policies, we shrank it instead. (we would dearly like to make it unreadable.)

He took some good stands - for freedom in Poland, against the war, against materialism.*

And he left some big problems for his successor.

Please feel very free to skip this.
"Vatican says pontiff's heart and kidneys failing, breathing shallow."
Hook him up to a heart and lung machine, give him dialysis twice a week, keep his body alive for the next 20 years.
They can't run two instances of the Pope at the same time, can they?
According to this, Terri Schiavo's dad pulled the plug on his mother; according to this, Tom DeLay did the same for his father. More here, if you really want it.